One of the features I’d really like to have in Known, is the ability to schedule posts for a later date.

Sometimes I do this via my post by email plugin combined with an email scheduling tool, and at some point I’ll actually get around to sending a pull request to schedule posts natively.

In the meantime, I wrote a quick plugin which makes use of the Buffer service to create a post schedule for your a number of social networking accounts.

When installed and configured, this plugin will give you a new “buffer” syndication channel which will act like a meta channel – posting to multiple social networking accounts configured according to your buffer schedule.

Hope this is useful to some of you!

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Known supports syndication to a number of silos (twitter, facebook etc), but since I also have some contacts on LinkedIn, I thought it would be handy to syndicate to them as well. So, I wrote a quick plugin to do just that…

Once installed and activated, you will need to get a LinkedIn application ID and secret key from the developer site (instructions in the plugin’s admin page). After you have entered these in the admin panel, users will have the option of authenticating their account and syndicating posts to LinkedIn.

The plugin currently supports status updates (although, in a rather limited way owing to LinkedIn’s API), article posts and images.

Give it a try!

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I’ve been using my post via email plugin to post messages on my feed for a while now.

Fairly recently I added syndication support, which is very handy for posting messages to my silo followers. However in day to day usage, I found the subject line only approach was a little clunky, and I often forgot to add the syndication tags.

So, I added support for syndication tags in the message body as well. These tags will be stripped automatically from the post text, so they won’t appear in the post.

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