Recently, the Composer Installers project added support for Known, which opened up the exciting possibility of using Composer to deliver Known plugins and Themes.

Those of you who are tracking GitHub, you might have noticed that all the plugins and themes have disappeared!

Fear not, however. They are now all in their own repositories and installable via composer.

This is pretty cool, as not only does this solve some of the distribution and directory naming issues we were having (since now, composer manages both the downloading and making sure the plugin is installed to the correct location), but it also makes it super easy to role custom builds of Known with just a change to one file!

Having the plugins in their own repos will also hopefully make it much less daunting for people to get involved with development.

I’ve written before how package authors can update their stuff to take advantage of this, but I’ve already updated most of the core plugins and themes.


I use the Crayon syntax highlighting plugin in order to display code on this blog. Recently I upgrade my server to PHP 7.3, which broke a fair few things, including this plugin.

Unfortunately, it looks like this plugin is no longer being maintained – the latest stable release was three years ago, and the latest commit on their GitHub was over a year ago.

Never fear, open source is here!

If you’re using the stable version, open up crayon_langs.class.php and change crayon_langs.class.php:340 from this:

preg_replace('/[^\w-+#]/msi', '', $id);

To this:

preg_replace('/[^\w\-+#]/msi', '', $id);

Notice the escaping before the - character.

Should work now.

Well it’s been a little while since I’ve blogged anything about Elgg, hasn’t it?

So, here’s a quick plugin that enables you to switch on a simple per-user link tracking for selected divs within your site.

I wrote this as I needed to quickly track links within certain sections of a site (rather than everywhere, where something like Piwik would have been more appropriate).

Hopefully it’s useful to you!

» Visit the project on Github...