Because I’m currently in the UK, I went along to the Indieweb Camp Oxford event today!
I didn’t really go with a plan, except to sort of see what other people were up to and help out where I could, with a backup plan of doing a bit of Known dev if I could.
In the end I helped guide some folks with setting up their own Known installs, and answer some questions about the Indieweb in general (apparently I’m a veteran now!).
Was a really fun event, and it was really great to hang out with a bunch of like minded smart people!
Temporarily location protected checkins
I had a conversation with one of the attendees, a fellow traveller, and I hit on a hopefully useful extension to the Known Checkin plugin – protected checkins.
Protected checkins will, when enabled for a post, protect your exact checkin location for 24 hours. Logged in users will still be able to see your exact location, as will logged out users after 24 hours have elapsed.
The use case here is for vulnerable people, as well as travel bloggers, backpackers and nomads, who want to share their location but not be particularly precise with the location while they’re there.
So, with this feature, you can check in to a location, but not share your precise location until much later, after you’ve presumably moved on.
Anyway, I thought it was a cute idea, hope you’ll find it useful!