The Known Open Collective, which was set up last year, is continuing to grow.

This is fantastic, and I’m ever grateful for those who use Known, contribute to the community in whatever way, and especially to those who vote for Known with their hard earned dollars!

The collective has built up a reasonable war chest now, and I’m keen to start using it to really start pushing the project forward and increase momentum.

Right now I’m thinking of maybe suggesting we use some of the money to fund tactically useful developments focussed on really knocking out blockers for people picking up the project.

Off the top of my head I’m thinking things like paying for development of installers for various hosting platforms, and maybe Known – Known import/export.

I’d be curious to hear your thoughts!

I had a spare 5 minutes before my next appointment, so I have converted the Known LTI plugin to be easily installable via Composer.

This has been requested by a number of people in order to make it easier to install on Known 1.0 and above, so… happy Christmas I guess!

So, now you should be able to grab it on your Known install by simply declaring it as a requirement:

composer require idno/lti

Have fun!

» Visit the project on Github...

I recently had to help someone who was having trouble setting up a Known site on their Reclaim hosting account. I hit a few gotchas along the way, so I’m jotting them down here with hopes that it helps others.

Installing Known

I live in the console, so after setting up the domain and location via cpanel, I logged in and installed the Known source:

cd ~/;
git . ;
composer install

Resolving 500 error

When visiting the domain, I was confronted with a 500 error.

Digging in the logs, it looked like I was falling foul of some security setting, and the files were being created with group write. So, we need to reset those.

find . -type f | xargs -i{} chmod 644 {}

While we’re at it you’ll want to make your uploads directory writable by the web server.

Set up your database and configure Known

Create a database, database user and password via cpanel.

Because I also was hitting a weird redirect error, I opted to configure known by hand.

Create a file in ~/ called config.ini

If this file, put the following information:

database = 'MySQL'
dbname = 'yourdatabase'
dbpass = 'yourpassword'
dbuser = 'yourdbuser'
dbhost = 'localhost'

filesystem = 'local'
uploadpath = '/path/to/'

Make sure you remember the trailing ‘/’ on the upload path.

Hope this helps!