Ok, so earlier I talked a bit about a Flickr photo import script for Known.

Since self-dogfooding is important, I thought I’d point you guys to my new photos site, which uses the data produced by the script’s output.

My script imports all photos, videos and tags, and also stores collections and sets.

Known currently doesn’t have a concept of grouping stuff together (although this might be on the roadmap for the future), so for the time being I’ve stored them as a GenericDataItem object. The site’s custom theme makes use of these to render sets and collections in a sensible way.

Still tweaking, but I’m pretty pleased with the results so far!

A little while ago I introduced you to some command line tools for talking to your Known site.

So, using this, I put together a very quick hack that lets you tweet, via your known site, from the Unix command line.

Because, that’s how I roll.

In .bashrc I added the following:

alias tweet='status.sh https://mysite.com USERNAME APIKEY twitter::TWITTERUSER'

Assuming status.sh is on your path, when you type tweet it’ll let you write a single line of text which will be sent to your Known site and syndicated elsewhere.

Note, due to this bug, you’ll need to be running the latest version of Known for this to work!

I recently wrote a hook for Known (subsequently merged into the core) that converts twitter links to an embedded representation.

This was handy for a few folk, so I figured it’d be sensible to add similar functionality to my OEmbed Enabled embedded posts plugin for Known. The plugin will now attempt to use OEmbed to extract a representation of any Known post you link to into a rendered version.

Because allowing connections to just any OEmbed endpoint is a security risk, I’ve configured the plugin so that the Admin needs to whitelist domains/urls first (your current domain is automatically whitelisted).

Theoretically this could be used to whitelist non-Known sites that support oEmbed, although I’ve not extensively tested this so YMMV. Have fun!

» Visit the project on Github...