The default behaviour of comments in an Elgg system is similar to that of standard blogging software, in that comment notifications only go to the post’s original author.

So, if Alice uploads a file and Bob comments on it, Alice would receive a notification. If Charlie comments on it as well, only Alice would receive the notification. In a modern social network, this artificially stifles conversation.

So, I wrote a very quick plugin which modifies the default notification behaviour slightly…

Now, with this plugin activated, if Charlie leaves a comment, both Alice and Bob will receive a notification.

Simple, but quite handy.

» Visit the project on Github…

LinkedIn-Logo-02I was doing some work on a client website the other day, when the OAuth login code I was using to provide “log in via linkedin” support inexplicably stopped working. It would seem that linkedin had a (temporary) problem with their OAuth1 api.

A quick google, and I found that LinkedIn’s OAuth 1 api has been superseded, and I feared that it had finally been switched off. Since there was no word from LinkedIn, and I needed to get functionality working for my client, I rewrote the connector.

This plugin provides “Login via LinkedIn” functionality to Elgg 1.8, enjoy!

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opengraphlogoThe Open Graph protocol is a way of providing rich content information for pages when shared on social networks.

This is quite powerful, and there’s a lot you can do with it, but at the basic level it provides a way for content creators to control how the share stub looks when shared on networks like Facebook or Google+. Support for this has been missing from Elgg for a while, so I dusted off some old code and built a plugin to add support!

The Elgg Open Graph plugin adds Open Graph meta headers to your Elgg site (with reasonable defaults), and provides a framework for you to add specific open graph headers to object pages and specific URLS.

» Visit the project on Github…