The other week The Register wrote an article, which talked about the Indieweb, and Webmentions in particular.

The article covered a bunch of things, but highlighted the potential spam issue with webmention, which I’ve been meaning to do something about in Known for a while. Since Known was mentioned right at the end of the article, I figured I should probably pull my finger out.

So, while the community build a better way of handling spammy comments and webmentions (e.g. Vouch, or similar graph based filter), I put together a very quick Akismet plugin. Obviously this is centralisation / single point of failure, but it’s a quick fix that’ll hopefully stop the worst of the problems while we build something better.


Install in the normal way, and activate with your wordpress API key.

Now, all new annotations (including comments and webmentions) will be passed through akismet before being posted. Note, the entire thing requires you to be running a version of Known with the annotation/save event hook added by this pull request.


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I had a little bit of time over the weekend (actually, that’s a complete lie, I had no time, I was just procrastinating), so I dusted off and fixed up some old code I was working on but never finished.

So, here you are, a quick plugin which adds lightbox modal display for Photos. Currently it just shows the image, but if you’ve applied this patch (which hopefully will be merged soon), you’ll also see titles and description.

The library makes use of Ashley White’s Bootstrap 3 javascript lightbox library, which is distributed under the MIT licence.

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So, it’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything, but, I’m back now, so here’s a quick Emoji plugin for Known.

I wrote this plugin (which is basically a Known wrapper around jloutsenhizer’s Javascript Emoji renderer) to scratch a particular itch of mine, whereby some Bridgy backported comments from Facebook were being rendered with Unicode placeholders.

Happy Christmas!

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