In the most recent build of Known, I’ve made some modifications to the developer tool chain that should help us out going forward.

None of this should affect you if you’re just using known, but if you’re a developer it should make things a little bit better.

I’ve switched the SASS compiler to using LibSASS, which is a little bit more “standard” than the ruby one, although doesn’t really affect us yet. But more importantly, javascript compilation is passed through Babel.

Babel is a javascript compiler, which is most widely used to transcode “modern” javascript code written in ES6 so that it can target legacy browsers. Meaning you can write your fancy code, taking advantage of cool stuff, using a version of Javascript that is actually starting to become useful, while still supporting some of the older (yet inexplicably widely installed) browsers out there.

Again, not much is changing right now, but I hope to make much more use of this facility going forward. For a start, Promises are great.

Anyway, hope this is useful!

Recently, the Composer Installers project added support for Known, which opened up the exciting possibility of using Composer to deliver Known plugins and Themes.

Those of you who are tracking GitHub, you might have noticed that all the plugins and themes have disappeared!

Fear not, however. They are now all in their own repositories and installable via composer.

This is pretty cool, as not only does this solve some of the distribution and directory naming issues we were having (since now, composer manages both the downloading and making sure the plugin is installed to the correct location), but it also makes it super easy to role custom builds of Known with just a change to one file!

Having the plugins in their own repos will also hopefully make it much less daunting for people to get involved with development.

I’ve written before how package authors can update their stuff to take advantage of this, but I’ve already updated most of the core plugins and themes.


Just a quick one, I’ve just updated the Known dev tools with a new script – plugin.php.

There’s currently only one function available enable-composer which, following my last post, provides a handy script for making your plugin composer installable.

Run the script, passing it the repository you’ve saved it as (so that the script can set the packagist headers correctly), and you’ll get an updated / new composer.json with all the appropriate values set.

You can optionally set whether the plugin is a straight plugin, theme or console plugin (known-plugin is default). You can also target directories other than the current directory, although realistically you’re never really going to run it from any other directory.


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