idnoJSONP, or json with padding, is a technique hack that allows you to retrieve json content from a remote page, and pass that content to a Javascript function, without falling foul of the browser XSS same origin policy.

Idno has had a JSON view of it’s data objects for some time, but up until now it has been hard to call that data from within javascript, unless you were doing it from the same domain.

So, I sent Ben a pull request which adds JSONP support to Idno core, together with some enhancements to the data the standard JSON view provides.

class-act Gist is a handy tool that allows you to save version controlled short snippets of code, and even cooler, to embed that code elsewhere.

Idno will automatically display embed code for certain links (images and youtube videos for example), so I thought it’d be cool if you could do this with gist links as well.

So I wrote a plugin. Enjoy!

» Visit the project on Github…

pushover is a service that allows you to send popup notifications to your iPhone, iPad or Android device via calls to a simple API.

I wanted a notification whenever someone left me a comment or webmention on my idno site, so I put together a plugin that does just that!


Install and activate the Pushover plugin on your idno site, and then create an application for your site on, via their admin panel.

Once you have done this, go back to your idno site and configure the plugin via your user settings page, putting the application and user API keys in the appropriate boxes.

Hit save, and you should now get popup notifications whenever a new comment is left!

» Visit the project on Github…