opengraphlogoThe Open Graph protocol is a way of providing rich content information for pages when shared on social networks.

This is quite powerful, and there’s a lot you can do with it, but at the basic level it provides a way for content creators to control how the share stub looks when shared on networks like Facebook or Google+. Support for this has been missing from Elgg for a while, so I dusted off some old code and built a plugin to add support!

The Elgg Open Graph plugin adds Open Graph meta headers to your Elgg site (with reasonable defaults), and provides a framework for you to add specific open graph headers to object pages and specific URLS.

» Visit the project on Github…

OpenPGP is an encryption technology that is primarily used to secure email, although sadly it is not as widely used as one might like.

Doing my bit to counter the “Summer of Surveillance”, and in a bid to make encryption more omnipresent (and because I had a need for this for a client), I quickly put together a plugin that adds OpenPGP support to Elgg.

The plugin does two main things; provide a mechanism where by a user can upload the public key for their registered email address, and secondly, provide an email handler that will attempt to encrypt any outgoing messages using that key (where possible).


» Visit the project on Github…

email-sending-letter An email bridge is something that allows messages from Elgg, group discussion messages, direct message notifications etc, to be directly replied to from your email client.

I needed to get something like this implemented for a client project, and thankfully there was a third party open source plugin written by Michael Jett which did most of the work for me.

The Jettmail project is still under active development, and at time of writing was missing two key bits of functionality that I needed:

  1. Direct reply-to email functionality (you could send messages from an email link, but direct reply-to functionality was missing).
  2. Direct person to person message support.

I have made my own modifications to Jettmail to add this functionality, and also created a plugin to rewrite the reply-to email line appropriately for each object.

» My modifications to Jettmail…
» Jettmail reply-to plugin…