Just a quick note to draw your attention to this plugin for Elgg.

This plugin implements the Microformats powered remote friending support I’ve previously talked about, and implemented in Known, for Elgg.

What is this?

Like with Known, this plugin provides a handy bookmarklet that will allow you to add friends from other platforms (even non-Elgg ones) simply, providing that the platform marks out their users using Microformats (for this reason, I suggest you also take a look at my Elgg microformats plugin).

Once found, a remote user can be added as a friend.

At the moment the plugin doesn’t do much else, but once you’ve got a user stub to hook things on to, other plugins could provide other features – browse their feeds, for example, or provide PGP login support (which I’ll build if I get time) that’ll allow for cross platform private posts.

Have fun!

» Visit the project on Github...

Microformats are an easy way to semantically mark up a web page so that it can be easily parsed and understood by a computer.

This allows you to write code to easily do many funky things, not least of which extract author information from a page with minimal effort. This is how Idno’s distributed friending functionality works, btw.

Idno/Known supports MF2 natively, but support was sadly lacking in Elgg, so I wrote a quick plugin to add it.


The plugin, once installed and activated, adds some hidden markup to certain core views and does some basic post processing to add MF2 markup.

It is designed to be as light weight as possible, while still providing useful functionality.

As I mentioned above, and in the readme, this was primarily written to scratch an itch – namely, to provide the base functionality for Idno<->Elgg distributed friending functionality. Cross login functionality will come, hopefully, when I have time (although if you’re in a hurry you could always provide an incentive!).

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Elgg, like Idno supports a number of different views on data – standard HTML, JSON etc. However, unlike Idno, Elgg does not natively support JSONP.

JSONP allows you to make cross domain calls using JSON data, and is very handy for querying data from other sources using your fancy-pants javascript/jquery ajax code. It’s how, among other things, the idno feed widget running in the sidebar works.

Anyway, a commenter on another post asked about Elgg support, and because I had a few minutes spare, I put together a quick plugin!

» Visit the project on Github...