I am absolutely delighted to be able to announce that I have managed to confirm the venue for Barcamp Transparency. Barcamp Transparency will be held at the Oxford University Club on the 26th July!

This is a fabulous venue (the same one as Barcamp Apache Oxford), directions and other details can be found on our website.

I am also delighted to announce that Google has agreed to be the main sponsor for the event and will be covering the cost of the venue for us! Big thanks to all at Google and our other sponsors for making this event possible!

See you there on the 26th July!

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BarCamp Transparency UKBarcamp Transparency is gaining momentum fast. Our sponsorship list is growing and we already have already confirmed a number of high profile people who are going to attend!

I therefore urge you to keep the 26th of July free in your calendar! Tell your friends!

On a somewhat related note, I vote for Global Voices Advocacy, because they are doing some very important work regarding freedom of speech and the fight against censorship – and without those you can’t have transparency or democracy.

This blog post is part of Zemanta’s “Blogging For a Cause” (http://www.zemanta.com/bloggingforacause/) campaign to raise awareness and funds for worthy causes that bloggers care about.