Spam comes in may forms.

I had been noticing some odd traffic appearing in my referrer logs from “”, and a few other places. Odd, I thought, but I wasn’t too concerned.

A client recently asked me about it, since similar traffic was starting to appear in their analytics for a brand new site. I did a little bit of research, and it turns out that this is actually a spam attack.

Basically, the spammer hits your site and sets a referrer header containing a url and their spam message (keywords + another url, usually). Since a small percentage of sites make their referrer logs public (either deliberately or through misconfiguration), when these are indexed, they can be used to game the search engine of the site they’re trying to boost.

Stopping the spam with mod_security

I don’t like spammers, and it was starting to make my logs (and those of my client’s) a little noisy. So, I decided to do something about it. So, using mod_security, I added a couple of simple rules, which would drop the traffic where the referrer contained certain keywords.

Simple, but effective:

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Referer "^https?://(www\.)?buttons\-for\-website\.com/?" \
        "phase:1,log,deny,status:503,msg:'Referer spam'"

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Referer "^https?://(www\.)?simple\-share\-buttons\.com/?" \
        "phase:1,log,deny,status:503,msg:'Referer spam'"

... etc... 

This seemed to put an end to the worst of it.

I also noticed that a few spammers were posting with obvious spam keywords in the referrer header, so I added a similar rule to block those for good measure:

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Referer "(viagra|phentermine|cialis)" \
        "phase:1,log,deny,status:503,msg:'Referer spam'"

SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Referer "(poker|casino|holdem)" \
        "phase:1,log,deny,status:503,msg:'Referer spam'"


To test your rules, you can use curl to hit your site and send a triggering referrer, e.g.

 curl --referer


curl --referer

Hope that helps!

I’m increasingly of the opinion, as you might have guessed from reading past articles on my blog, that if you can encrypt a thing, you must encrypt a thing, if it’s sent over the internet especially  after adding Google Analytics to WordPress.

So, since more crypto use is always a good thing, I wanted to find a way to encrypt email sent from my WordPress blog. Specifically, I wanted to encrypt my “hire me” contact form, which is emailed to me and quite often contains sensitive information. Sometimes clients are quite forthcoming in their initial messages, so I think it’s professional to protect that.

Although the contact form is the primary use case, this code should work for any email (with only one recipient) sent via wordpress’ internal code, providing the address has a valid (non expired encrypting) public key on file. Adding a key is, in this code, a manual process, however it’d be trivial to extend the code to chat to a key server.

So, anyway, you need to find the functions.php for your theme (I wanted to do this quickly, so I didn’t write a plugin), and put in the following code.

You’ll also need to install the gnupg extension for php. If you’re on debian, this should just be a matter of apt-get install php5-gnupg.

Recursively find a non-expired encryption key for a given address.
function find_encryption_key($keys) {

    $fingerprint = null;
    foreach ($keys as $k) {
        if ((!$k['expired'])  && ($k['can_encrypt']) && (!$fingerprint) && (isset($k['fingerprint']))) {
            $fingerprint = $k['fingerprint'];
        if (!$fingerprint && isset($k['subkeys'])) {
            $fingerprint = find_encryption_key($k['subkeys']);
    return $fingerprint;

Encrypt $message for delivery to $address
function encryptto($message, $address) {
    $gpg = new gnupg();
    if (is_array($address)) {
        $address = $address[0];
    // Find keys
    $keys = $gpg->keyinfo($address);
    if ($keys) {
        $fingerprint = find_encryption_key($keys);

        return $gpg->encrypt($message);
    return false;

// Attempt to send encrypted email.
add_filter( 'wp_mail', function ($args) {
    $new_wp_mail = array(
        'to'          => $args['to'],
        'subject'     => $args['subject'],
        'message'     => $args['message'],
        'headers'     => $args['headers'],
        'attachments' => $args['attachments'],
    if ($encrypt = encryptto($args['message'], $args['to'])) {
        $new_wp_mail['message'] = $encrypt;
    return $new_wp_mail;
}, 1);

This code will try and find a key for the to address and attempt PGP encryption.

It’s not perfect, for example, if encryption fails for whatever reason, the message will be sent in the clear. I did it this way since not everyone’s public key will be on file, but I still wanted the email sent, so this is probably a good thing.

Also, for jetpack contact forms & comments at least, the code will fire the clear message text to Akismet, if you have the plugin installed. The latest version of Akismet will default to sending the message over TLS, so this isn’t the end of the world if you’re worried about passive monitoring.

Anyway, the more encrypted traffic on the net the better. Have fun!

Every page on a Known site can potentially be an API endpoint, which means that pretty much everything you can do with the interface, you can write a script or client to connect to.

As things are still being built out there are no libraries, or indeed detailed instructions, out there yet (although you might want to look at some of my sample code) so I’ve been fielding a bunch of questions from folk.


At its simplest level, all pages on a Known site are API endpoints.

When you post a status update, the form you fill in POSTs the form fields to the API endpoint /status/edit. So, if you were to write a client to do this, you’d send the same variables to the same endpoint, but you’ll also have to do a couple of extra things as well.


In order to access restricted content, or to post to your stream, you will need to authenticate yourself. There is currently only one built in way to do this, however Known supports extensible authentication methods, so it is of course possible to hook in other methods.

For example, if you don’t want to use the built signed HTTP request method, you could use an OAuth2 server.

  • Get your API Key: from your Tools and Apps page.
  • Generate a signature: You need to generate a base64 encoded HMAC, which is a SHA256 digest of the path of the api (i.e. if you’re using “`“`, your path should be “`/status/edit“`) using your API key as the key.

    From the shell:

    HMAC=$(echo -n "/status/edit" | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 -hmac '***APIKEY***' |  base64 -w0)

    In PHP:

    base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', "/status/edit", $api_key', true));
  • Sign your HTTP requests by sending the following HTTP headers:
  • Tell Known you want the API to return a machine understandable response by sending the following header:
    Accept: application/json

Some points to remember…

  • Remember to follow forwards: Known makes use of forwards, for example when creating a post, you’ll be forwarded to the completed object. So, you need to tell cURL (if that’s what you’re using) to follow forwards CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION
  • Create a cookie jar: In order to preserve your session, and to avoid getting 403 errors after a successful post, you’ll need to store your cookies. Again, if you’re using cURL you can do this by passing the CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR option.

Hope this helps!