I had a spare 5 minutes before my next appointment, so I have converted the Known LTI plugin to be easily installable via Composer.

This has been requested by a number of people in order to make it easier to install on Known 1.0 and above, so… happy Christmas I guess!

So, now you should be able to grab it on your Known install by simply declaring it as a requirement:

composer require idno/lti

Have fun!

» Visit the project on Github...

I recently had to help someone who was having trouble setting up a Known site on their Reclaim hosting account. I hit a few gotchas along the way, so I’m jotting them down here with hopes that it helps others.

Installing Known

I live in the console, so after setting up the domain and location via cpanel, I logged in and installed the Known source:

cd ~/mydomain.com;
git https://github.com/idno/known.git . ;
composer install

Resolving 500 error

When visiting the domain, I was confronted with a 500 error.

Digging in the logs, it looked like I was falling foul of some security setting, and the files were being created with group write. So, we need to reset those.

find . -type f | xargs -i{} chmod 644 {}

While we’re at it you’ll want to make your uploads directory writable by the web server.

Set up your database and configure Known

Create a database, database user and password via cpanel.

Because I also was hitting a weird redirect error, I opted to configure known by hand.

Create a file in ~/mydomain.com/configuration/ called config.ini

If this file, put the following information:

database = 'MySQL'
dbname = 'yourdatabase'
dbpass = 'yourpassword'
dbuser = 'yourdbuser'
dbhost = 'localhost'

filesystem = 'local'
uploadpath = '/path/to/mydomain.com/Uploads/'

Make sure you remember the trailing ‘/’ on the upload path.

Hope this helps!