As part of (one of) my day jobs, I have had to yet again bash together a set of REST APIs. This is so we can start wiring up some proper micro services AWS style scalable architecture into the monolithic beast that is the current incarnation of the software I’m working on.
Anyway, here are a few gotchas for this if you intend to start using proper REST style HTTP verbs (PUT/PATCH/DELETE), rather than doing everything via GET and POST like most everyone.
No easy way to access variables
If you’re familiar with the standard $_POST
mechanism to access passed variables, you’ll be disappointed that PHP doesn’t by default provide a nice way of access these for PUT and PATCH.
So, you’re going to have to extract them yourself. Not overly tricky, but irritating:
So, for example:
parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $patch);
if (is_array($patch)) {
$this->data = array_merge($this->data, $patch);
Requests not coming through
If you find that your APIs work fine on your local machine but break when deployed, you might want to check your server configuration.
It is quite common for web servers (especially on shared hosts) to block access to HTTP verbs other than most common GET and POST. Modsecurity’s default config definitely blocks these methods.
You should also check that any proxies or load balancers that you have in front of your REST endpoint. These may need some configuration tweaks as well.
Hopefully this will save you some time and frustration!