So, last week I wrote about reading data off of a Current Cost EnviR. As you might have predicted from my blog recently, sure as day follows night, I wrote a munin plugin for it.
This plugin, written in python, allows you to graph both the energy usage and temperature over time. This is handy, since this information gives you a much more detailed historic record than the limited and low resolution bar charts on the device itself, giving a much more detailed picture of your household’s power usage.
Usage details are in the project Readme, code is in the usual place.
Hello Marcus,
I found you because of this project.
Nice to see that there are more freaks out there hacking hardware 🙂
I already invent the wheel. If you are interested take a look on it and told me what you think about it. Maybe you have some ideas to make rounder.
Greetings from Germany
Very nice, love the range of tables you can produce!
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